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Is A Prenuptial Or Postnuptial Agreement In The Picture For You?

Are you recently engaged? Congratulations! Are you thinking about a prenuptial agreement? This is a wise move. Virtually no engaged couple likes to contemplate a potential divorce. However, a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement (also referred to as a prenup or postnup) may be considered practical and equivalent to an insurance policy or an enhancement to an estate plan.

At SBK Law Group, we bring extensive experience in family law and estate planning to the table, along with a passion for bringing sound legal solutions to our clients. We can explain how a sensible prenup or postnup can bring clarity and peace of mind.

Why Many Couples Consider Prenups And Postnups

Realizing that money matters often lead to marital problems, many of today’s couples bring up the topic of a prenuptial agreement around the time of an engagement. Some married couples also decide to pursue postnuptial agreements for similar reasons. The rationale for creating a prenup or postnup may include one or more of the following:

  • One or both members of an engaged or married couple may have business interests that need protection from the potential disruption of a divorce.
  • One or both parties may have children from a previous relationship. A prenuptial or postnuptial agreement may help protect those children’s financial stake in the family.
  • One or both parties may have complex and substantial real estate investment and/or other investments or trusts that merit legal protection.
  • One party of an engaged couple may have large debts, such as student loans or medical debt, that make it important to protect the other party from the fiscal imbalance that the marriage is starting off with.

When a couple’s relationship includes complex financial or family factors, a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement can facilitate honest communication about money and enhance prospects for a peaceful life together. At the same time, the agreement can provide financial and legal protection against unexpected complications in the relationship.

Contact Our Downers Grove Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers

If you are interested in discussing the possibility of a prenup or postnup, our family law attorneys urge you to get legal counsel promptly. A proper prenup may take several months to complete. A postnup may take longer because of marital property issues.

Reach us in our Chicago-area law offices by calling 630-427-4407 or by completing our online inquiry form. We handle prenuptial and post nuptial agreements in Downers Grove and throughout DuPage CountyKane CountyKendall CountyWill County, and Cook County.

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