When two people enter into marriage, they seldom think it is going to end in divorce. As the old adage says, “Til death do us part.” However, that promise is not always realistic. Married couples who experience relationship problems often go to counseling to resolve their disputes. Still, studies show that approximately 40 to 50 percent of all marriages in the United States end in divorce. The divorce rate for subsequent marriages is even higher. The stresses on marriage are diverse and myriad, and some couples work through them but others decide that legally ending their union might be in everyone’s best interest. There are various factors that can increase the likelihood of a divorce. If you are considering filing for divorce for whatever reason, it is important to consult with an experienced attorney who can protect your rights to marital property, spousal support, parenting time, and more.
Whether a couple has been married for one year or 30 years, they may find that the “honeymoon period” is over. Every marriage is unique and can include different struggles, such as health crises, financial problems, or personality conflicts. A few of the major issues that can break down a marriage may include but are not limited to:
Addiction—A substance abuse problem such as a dependence on drugs or alcohol can put a significant strain on any relationship. Likewise, an addiction to shopping, gambling, or pornography may drain a couple’s finances and make one spouse lose respect for the other.
Infidelity—One of the most common reasons for divorce is when a spouse has an extramarital affair. Breaking this trust can be especially difficult to overcome and often tears a family apart. You may not be able to forgive and forget if your spouse cheated on you.
Domestic abuse—In some marriages, one partner can be abusive to the other spouse, or even to his or her children. It is imperative to seek help if you find yourself in this situation to ensure the safety of you and your kids. Domestic violence is a crime in Illinois, and victims can obtain orders of protection to avoid further abuse.
Job loss—Whether it is temporary or permanent, a job loss or layoff can create major financial difficulties that can test and stress even the strongest of marriages. You or your spouse may become anxious and argumentative given the uncertainty of your financial situation. This may also impact your future long term if you have house or car loans to pay off or college expenses.
Unrealistic expectations—Some people get married when they are very young. This can result in an idealistic view as to what a marriage should be. For example, if one of your spouse’s parents stayed home to raise a family, he or she might also expect you to quit working and leave a career you love if you have kids. As you and your partner age, you might discover significant and fundamental differences in parenting and what you want out of life.
Regardless if you got married young or waited until later in life, you may realize your marriage is not immune to problems. Countless couples often find they have grown apart for various reasons and ultimately decide that parting ways might be best for everyone involved, including your children. If that is the case and you are considering filing for divorce, reach out to an experienced and compassionate DuPage County spousal support attorney. The knowledgeable legal team at SBK Law Group will help you explore your options and make sure your rights are protected throughout the process. Call our office today at 630-427-4407 to schedule a confidential consultation.